Tuesday, 18 April 2017

diverse games children play


frozen or be it fresh fruits, I prefer mine plain, the custard recipe. what is a desert table without the pick of the crop, the ideal mother day brunch  you must be going bananas, so to say there is sorbet , ice-cream and pancakes in banana flavor.
Everyday standing in queue to offer a single flower or a bouquet of flowers seemed to be the order of the day, this is a small way of singing songs and offering flowers until the festival of mother day. All children young and old in their traditional best have been doing this , they have adorned their mother with flowers and songs personally, hope they continue the fete with same aplomb.
this minute does not end the desert bowls and spoons, the members of the family continue on no matter where they are in the countryside.I must say thank you for putting up with our naughty side.there is no market for  your emotions  so never advertise your feelings, just continue to display your attitude ................right nah ?